We have managed to secure a promise from the Germans that we will have our occupation costs reduced if we supply them with labourers. There must be a way to reduce the crippling burdens placed upon us. The realities of the situation demand that we come to an arrangement with our former enemies. Sending guest workers to help boost German Reich's production efficiency growth rate.Subsidising German Reich's aircraft production at the cost of Vichy France's own aircraft production.Giving the German Reich military access.
Reduces the impact of national spirit Occupation Costs by enacting the following decisions at the cost of 25 each:. Unlocks Concessions to the Germans Decisions. Ile de France (16): Controlled by the German Reich. There must be a reason for this, and we must not stop until it is brought to light and the people responsible are brought to justice. Our people must be reminded that a woman's work is every bit as vital for the survival of the nation as the man's.įrance held out for years against the Kaiser's armies, yet folded in the present war. It is inherently obvious that a woman's place is in the household, just as it is the man's place to be at the workbench or in the field. Surely she is a much better symbol for our youth to aspire to than Marianne? Jeanne d'Arc fought bravely against a seemingly overwhelming enemy, sacrificed all she had for the good of the fatherland, and rallied the nation under her banner to throw out the invaders. We should try to remedy this in order to help them survive. The many small companies that make up our economy have been hit hard by rationing and other war measures. By creating a series of economic plans, we can grow our economy in an efficient manner. While it is tempting to see the current situation as so important that it supersedes all other concerns, we must not forget that there are things that take a long time to implement. It will take a long time to remedy this flaw, but perhaps the shock of our defeat will allow us to return stronger. Our defeat was without a doubt caused by a fundamental flaw in our nation. The president can not be restricted in doing what is necessary. With the battle for France lost, it is clear that radical measures must be taken to secure the state. Removes national spirit Disjointed Government if it is still in effect. Philippe Pétain is the current country leader. Vichy France's unique focus tree has 1 single branch:Įmergency Powers To Petain Branch This branch focuses on rebuilding and revitalising a war-torn France with the ultimate objective of reasserting control over all occupied territories, either by collaborating with the German Reich, or by actively fighting against them.Įmergency Powers To Petain branch Focus Clicking on a national focus icon leads to the appropriate table row.