You will gain XP for invoking the name of the tree. Invoke its name Eleanessa and it will begin speaking with you in earnest, thanking you for easing its pain. Killing him is also part of the quest, " A Hunter of Wicked Things ", so doing this in conjunction with this quest is, obviously, recommended. If you haven't killed The Advocate yet, he will not let you speak to the tree, so you will probably have to kill him too.

It is recommended to start The Advocate quest and kill them all for massive amounts of XP.

Going too close to the tree will cause them to attack. If you refer to the screenshot below, you will see exactly what orientation the camera needs to be in order to successfully select the chest. Note that merely left-clicking the chest to interact with it will only drain a Source point and produce a remark from your character. If you lockpick it, you will find a Green Teleporter Pyramid inside the chest. There is also a locked Tenebrium chest here that will sap 1 Source Point from your character with every interaction. If you interact with it as a Lizard, you will be able to understand the blade's words. Pick up the Unusual Blade here for 50,XP. Walk forward and you will find that the wall ahead is actually a hidden door you will need some wits to spot it. Search around the Archives for the Archivist's Journal and read it to find out the name of the Ancestor Tree is Eleanessa. No matter what dialogue option you pick, you will gain 14,XP. You can also cast Spirit Vision and speak to the spirit of the Archivist here. Once inside the Archives, you will immediately gain 50,XP. You will need at least 22 wits to spot the dirt mound. After entering Bloodmoon Island, go to the place listed in the picture below it is the entrance to the Archives. What secrets do this island hold? Information can be found on Black Ring corpses on the island. Entering Bloodmoon Island, there is blood everywhere and carnage.